
Michele Chaseling

“I have a passion in looking at a person’s health through a holistic lens”
Intuitive Healing australia

Your Personalised Path to Healing

Your journey towards emotional wellbeing

Life Challenges Michele Can Assist You With
  • Feeling stuck or blocked from moving forward in an area of your life – such as: your career, relationships with family, friends or partner, or discovering your life purpose.
  • Life transition issues – such as: struggling after a divorce or separation, ‘empty nest’ after your children have moved out, mid-life crisis, or menopause.
  • Relationship issues – such as: communication and conflict issues, boundaries, or domestic and family violence.
  • Mental or physical health issues – such as: you have been to see a medical practitioner or psychiatrist but would like other assistance to help alleviate the symptoms and possibly help to find the cause.  
  • Get back in control of your emotions – you may be easily triggered emotionally other people, situations or events.
  • The avoidance of feeling your emotions in the past and building up a wall no longer needed (heart wall).
  • Support through grieving a deep or complicated loss – this may be a death, a loss of a significant relationship, or a combination of losses, e.g. loss of career due to illness combined with loss of independence, or caring for elderly parents who are suffering dementia, or discovering you are adopted.
  • Healing from trauma – trauma can occur in childhood from things such as neglect or abuse, or as an adult, and can impact many areas of your life.
Michele’s Qualifications and Skills Used
Social Work

Michele is a qualified social worker and accredited through the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW). Social work is a university-qualified profession dedicated to assisting people to improve their lives, with a focus on their personal and social wellbeing.  

Social workers take the time needed to build relationships with people so that together they can consider all aspects of their situation, including their strengths and capacities, as well as the areas where they need help. They offer solutions, supports and pathways that make sense in the context of the person’s environment, preferences and abilities (AASW). Michele follows the AASW Code of Ethics and AASW Practice Standards.

Michele combines her social work skills and training with her energy healing qualifications to assist you to become a lighter, more balanced person with less emotional baggage and energy affecting your physical and mental health. Michele’s therapy aims to unburden you and/or your family with this service via remote energy healing video sessions online through Coviu (an encrypted online platform). Michele welcomes clients globally online but due to insurance restrictions is unable to provide services to clients residing in the United States of America and Canada. Once the session is complete you will be sent notes from each session. All correspondence is via email.

Energy Healing

By using energy healing you are moving the person into balance, where everything is in a more normal, healthy state, where conditions are right for the physical body to recover, thrive, and create healing on its own.

Both the Emotion Code and Intuitive Healing are different types of energy healing. Energy healing is any work that attempts to create a more balanced state in the physical and energy body, in order to assist physical recovery and increase mental and emotional wellbeing. All energy has a vibration, energy is the building block of everything in the universe. Some energy is invisible and some are in the form of physical matter. Energy can be affected by other vibrations of energy, positively or negatively.


What Is The Emotion Code®?

The Emotion Code is a simple and effective way to identify and release trapped emotions using muscle testing (which is often called kinesiology). The Emotion Code was created by Dr. Bradley Nelson, who was previously a chiropractor. Dr Nelson realised there was an emotional energetic component contributing to the physical ailments and emotional suffering of his patients. Using The Emotion Code, Michele can help you to release trapped emotions that are contributing to emotional or physical discomfort and may be holding you back from reaching your full potential. By releasing trapped emotions, you have accumulated you can remove your emotional baggage and make your load lighter. This can bring you to a higher level of vibration by not being triggered by the emotional charge of previous memories, leading to healthier life experience.
What happens in an Emotion Code® session?
1. Intention
Firstly, you will discuss and agree on a specific issue to work on. It could be a physical issue like pain, or an emotional state like frustration which you want to shift. There may be something you have visualised and wish to remove the blocks to that new creation. Michele will ask you a rating out of ten at the start of the session to determine how the issue is currently affecting you.
2. Connection
Michele will connect to your energy by distance connection via a video call. To do this, Michele uses focused intention and presence. Michele intentionally focuses on the client to make the energetic connection. Muscle testing is used to check that Michele has made a connection via distance.
3. Identify
Michele will ask your subconscious (using muscle testing) if there are trapped emotions contributing to the specific issue you are working on. Then, using a chart of emotions, together we identify which ones want to be released through muscle testing. Michele’s body as the practitioner, puts her energy needs to the side to work with your energy during the session. Then Michele completes muscle testing, which is a form of biofeedback, also known as kinesiology. Michele does the muscle testing on herself and she corrects the imbalances on behalf of you, the client.
4. Release the Energy
The trapped emotions are released using magnetic energy to amplify the thought energy and intention along the governing meridian. This magnetic energy to release the trapped emotion enters the governing meridian and from there this thought energy flows quickly into the other meridians and areas of the body. This then has the effect of releasing the trapped emotion instantly and permanently.
5. Process
At the end of the session Michele will again ask you a rating out of ten about how the issue is affecting you. Some people notice an instant change after the session is complete. Once trapped emotions have been released, it may take up to a couple of days to fully process this release, as the body adjusts to this energy shift. During this time, you may feel tired but some people do not notice any processing symptoms. You may need more than one session to release all emotions attached to one issue.


Intuitive Healing in Australia

Everyone is born with intuitive abilities; it is our natural ability to understand something instinctively. This natural ability can also be attuned to our health, if you listen to your intuition, you can stay healthy. If you can listen to your body, you can transform any challenges into spiritual growth and enhanced wellbeing. Intuition is the natural ability to understand something instinctively without the need for conscious reasoning. Your intuitive mind is 90-95% of your whole consciousness so it is important to tap into that instead of using only your logic mind which is the other 5-10%.

The intuitive mind is made up of two parts, the subconscious (50-60%) and the unconscious (30-40%). The subconscious mind refers to our feelings, emotions and sensations. Deep beliefs and automatic behaviours are also located here which is why when working on problems such as health or relationships only in our logical mind this may not work. The unconscious mind refers to processes in our body such as digestion, heartbeat etc, all things done automatically by our body, it regulates organ functions.

Michele can assist you to connect to and develop your intuition and remove imbalances in your body through various techniques, looking at where you have energy blockages. These blockages can be impacting your emotional and/or physical health. Emotional patterns create illnesses, pains and aches and they manifest in the body’s energy field before they manifest in the physical body. With Michele’s energy healing she can help you have the energy flow through your body for a state of health before an energetic disturbance creates a disease state.

For more information about the scientific evidence of intuitive healing and some additional resources please see Dr Irina Webster.