Everyone is born with intuitive abilities; it is our natural ability to understand something instinctively. This natural ability can also be attuned to our health, if you listen to your intuition, you can stay healthy. If you can listen to your body, you can transform any challenges into spiritual growth and enhanced wellbeing. Intuition is the natural ability to understand something instinctively without the need for conscious reasoning. Your intuitive mind is 90-95% of your whole consciousness so it is important to tap into that instead of using only your logic mind which is the other 5-10%.
The intuitive mind is made up of two parts, the subconscious (50-60%) and the unconscious (30-40%). The subconscious mind refers to our feelings, emotions and sensations. Deep beliefs and automatic behaviours are also located here which is why when working on problems such as health or relationships only in our logical mind this may not work. The unconscious mind refers to processes in our body such as digestion, heartbeat etc, all things done automatically by our body, it regulates organ functions.
Michele can assist you to connect to and develop your intuition and remove imbalances in your body through various techniques, looking at where you have energy blockages. These blockages can be impacting your emotional and/or physical health. Emotional patterns create illnesses, pains and aches and they manifest in the body’s energy field before they manifest in the physical body. With Michele’s energy healing she can help you have the energy flow through your body for a state of health before an energetic disturbance creates a disease state.
Some of the intuitive healing methods that may be used by Michele to assist you are chakra clearing, aura clearing, chromotherapy, and cutting any energy cords. These are all to assist you to remove some of your psychic weight and feel lighter and more balanced. This all supports you to move forward on your healing journey and your life purpose.
For more information about the scientific evidence of intuitive healing and some additional resources please see Dr Irina Webster.
Chromotherapy Card Readings
Michele offers Chromotherapy card readings via email for a 30 day period. Thirty days is typically enough time to create an energy shift within your body. Michele will intuitively draw a card a day for 30 days for a client and will email a photo of the card and the meaning each day. These 30 day card readings are $150 (AUD, inclusive of GST). If you would like a 7 day chromotherapy card reading it will be $40 (AUD, inclusive of GST). If you would like to discuss the card readings in more detail you would need to book an online appointment. If you would like more information about chromotherapy cards we have a free resource on our website: Free Resources, and you can also ask Michele any questions at: michele@compasscounselling.com.au.
We look forward to walking alongside you in your healing and recovery and celebrating with you in your positive change and empowerment. We will get back to any enquiries within 2 business days.