How can the Emotion Code help you?

The Emotion Code is a process discovered by Dr Bradley Nelson. It is used to find trapped energies and emotions stuck in your body and allows us to let go of old emotions we harbour as a result. It is an energy healing modality, and can be done in person or at a distance, from anywhere in the world, it is amazing.  We are all energy so you can connect to anyone’s energy without being in the same room. There is more information to be found on the Emotion Code process on our website at: Michele Chaseling Services – Compass Counselling, and also on our FAQ page at: FAQ – Compass Counselling.

The Emotion Code can help you in so many ways, it depends on the issue that you are looking to work with and also your willingness to let the issue and the attached emotions go. If you are tired of carrying around all your emotional baggage or emotions stuck inside you then the Emotion Code can help you remove them. Once removed you will feel lighter emotionally and be able to move forward in your life. The Emotion Code is also really useful for assisting with pain, if the issue causing the pain is due to trapped emotions in that particular area of your body. Some examples are detailed below to illustrate what I have worked with.

A person presented with a stomach ache that has been occurring on and off with no apparent medical cause, it was causing them significant distress, the pain at the time was quite high, causing them to take time off work. We worked over a few sessions to remove stuck emotions associated with the stomach pain, you can only remove up to 10 emotions at a time, to allow the body to process it. You may feel a bit tired the next day while the body is processing. Emotions that were cleared were related to stress at work and stress and grief in their personal life. There is a chart of emotions that we worked through to identify specific emotions and we also identified what organs they were trapped in. Some of the trapped emotions also related to events that were not recent, the Emotion Code can also assist you with identifying when the emotions became trapped.

At the start of each Emotion Code session, I ask what the rating is for the issue, what impact it is having on your life, and then ask again at the end of the session to do a comparison, noting that sometimes the effects may not become clear until after the body has processed it. After all the emotions were cleared for the stomach pain the person was not in pain any longer. We also worked through a self-care plan so that the stomach pain would not return and negative emotions could be acknowledged at the time they occurred, to just pass through the body, and not remain there.

In my next blog about the Emotion Code, I will discuss Heart Walls and how they can be removed. I am registered on the Discover Healing website as an accredited Emotion Code practitioner, if you would like more information, please check out their website at: Emotional Healing – Discover Healing.

Please contact me with any questions at:, or if you would like to book an appointment with me please book online at: Book Appointment – Compass Counselling.


Sending you all love and light, warm regards, Michele Chaseling.